It's a good day for sharing things I've been working on and finished up.
My new paneled headboard was formally a vertically-challenged door. Now turned sideways and given a fresh coat of paint, I mounted it between the posts of my existing king-sized (tired of looking at pickets) headboard, and added a piece of molding on top to cap it off. I love it!
Next is the pile of linens from the Fourth of July gathering I hosted at my house. Now devoid of mustard stains, folded and stacked, they are ready to be put away (and looking quite dandy, until someone actually does!). I like to "un-decorate" a little at a time I guess, letting the memories of the time I shared with family and friends linger for a little while.
Cute little green chair got painted today. It's a strange size--can't decide if it wants to grow up or not. Reminds me of a cat that's not a kitten anymore, but sure as heck couldn't be mistaken for an adult quite yet.
I just finished painting an old dresser in a semi-gloss black and added glass knobs today. Like the little green chair, it's one of my "backup" pieces; ready to go in my spot at the shop when some of the other goodies like the green drop-front desk or the floral love seat go to a new home and
leave me with a bare spot!
The sale at the shop starts on Thursday night if you'd care to mosey on down. And it looks like it's going to be a beautiful night for it, as the days and nights are (thankfully) cooling down now. If you can't make it Thursday, we'll be there Friday, Saturday & Sunday too!