What is this medium-sized, nondescript cardboard box, unearthed from all the other junk upon the scratched and burned surface (remember the soldering iron incident?) of my kitchen table? Let's untie the simply divine twine and find out!

Ooohhhh it's goodies! It's the goodies I won over at
Kerstie Pederson's blog contest!!!! Yes, you're right--she
IS the same gal that does all the easy, homemade treats & clever crafts, all while doing a bathroom remodel or two!

Look-- a mini birdhouse, frames, shakers of glitter, watch crystals, a glass specimen tube, a watch case, glue pen, tags, mini envelopes, bunch of flowers, a horseshoe, wood spools and a tea light! She even put in TWO of her
Frozen Charlotte pieces!

And what's this? A box within a box??

Aaawwww, how sweet is that?

But wait, there's more! What's in the little envelope???

WOW! I am just amazed! Thanks so much Kerstie!