Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Workbench Wednesday ~ Hand Made and Delivered

Just got back from Alexandria, LA.
I needed to go. It's not just the Sportsman's Paradise, it's MY paradise. It's gorgeous, the people are like no other and it is home to my oldest sister.

It was her birthday, too! So I was able to see her open her gift--my first attempt at a shadow box soldered pendant:

I love you, Mo!

What have YOU been working on? Please share with a comment!


  1. what a great gift for a special person! see you soon! hugs...your newest follower!

  2. What I have been working on is in the mail heading to Concord, CA.
    Glad you had such a good time at your sister's place. Looks pretty there.

  3. OOP! Clicked the button too fast.
    I love that necklace you made for you sister. What a great job. It's so pretty. DO MORE!!
