Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Crib Notes

Have you ever started out on a project with hearty gusto only to be half way into it when you pose the dreaded question to yourself “Is this weird?” You begin to doubt yourself and head down into that creative cavern of despair because the project you see laid out before you is not what you saw in your mind’s eye. Or in person.

I was out with my friend Rosann, and I’ll be darned if I can remember where I saw it, but I turned to her in amazement to show her what I was seeing when I realized what it was: it was an old, OLD wire mattress frame that had been cleverly transformed into a memo board of sorts, with old clippings and photos attached to it. It was beautiful and I wanted one! I knew I had one similar to it from my (17 year old) son’s crib in the garage, and thought the marriage of something so intimate from his childhood combined with pictures of relatives hanging in my hallway would be a positive way to ease into the first phases of empty-nestism .

So I struggled it out of the garage, painted it black, and hit it with a little rust (did you know aluminum stays very well preserved if stored properly?) to make it look old. And put it in the hallway. Where it leans against the wall. After two weeks. (Next to another project in the same stage of undevelopement.)

And I now I ask myself “Is this weird?” The next downward question on the ladder is “Can this be saved?”, followed by “Is this garbage?”. I’ll keep you posted.

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